Board of Appeals Committee
The Village of Van Buren Board of Zoning Appeals consists of five (5) legal residents of the Village that are appointed by the Village Council.
The Village of Van Buren Board of Zoning Appeals is a quasi-judicial body whose duties are imposed by statute.
The Board’s powers include the following:
Hearing appeals of alleged errors made by an administrative official in the enforcement of the Zoning Resolution of the Ohio Revised Code pertaining to Village Zoning
Granting Variances (area or use) from the Zoning Resolution
Granting Conditional Use Zoning Certificates
Regulating Nonconforming Uses
The authority to Revoke a granted Variance or Conditional Use Zoning Certificate if any conditions attached to the certificate have been violated.
Area Variances may be granted only if the applicant can show Practical Difficulties.
Use Variance may be granted only if the applicant can show Special or Unnecessary Hardship, and is not merely presenting disguised rezoning.
Conditional Use Certificates may be granted only if the applicant can meet all of the legislatively prescribed standards and conditions provided in the Zoning Resolution.
In order to appeal the Appeals Board’s decision, a Notice of Appeal must be filed with the Court of Common Pleas within thirty (30) days of the Board’s decision.
Brad Heitkamp
Bruce Elling
Chris DeVore
Matt McCracken
Greg Ayers